Wednesday 6 September 2017

I'll Be Back

Okay, here we go....

March:  Since last time I wrote sleep has been awful!  I was just reading back on my last posts about Jude's sleeping and recalling how great he was.  Well, he sure had us fooled!  Near the end of March we took a trip up to Edmonton because Steve was there for a tournament and we'd thought we'd take advantage of him being close by and visit.  So, off we went.  We had a great time with a couple of short visits with Uncle Steve.  Lennon loved the pool at the hotel.  It was a nice little weekend getaway.  Anyway, the first night there Jude took ages to settle to sleep but when he finally did he slept from about midnight to 7:30 am!  Jackpot!  Amazing!  Wait, don't get too excited...the next night he was up every hour!  Ugh!  And then for the next almost 3 months he was getting up every hour to two hours.  Sooooo tired!  More on that as I carry on.

April:  We took our annual trip to Palm Springs with Fred's family at the end of March.  It was a great time and the weather was amazing!  Lennon loved having the pool in our yard and was in it within minutes of us arriving!  She's getting much more confident in the pool and has a blast.  We took it pretty easy for the week as Jude was still waking up frequently.  Fred and I were probably in bed not much later than 9 every night.  Oh, Judey....please sleep!  He had fun too.  He loves to roll over and play on his tummy most of the time and is a very happy guy (despite not sleeping)!  When we got home from our trip Lennon started swimming lessons.  Her first lessons without me in the pool!  There were only 2 other kids in her class so that was great.  She was reluctant at first and I had to sit poolside for most of the lessons but she did great.  By the end of it she was putting her head under and everything!

May:  May saw us take a whirlwind, but amazing, trip.  We started off by flying to Kelowna and then driving to Penticton for our annual friends wine touring long weekend.  Lennon stayed with Grandma L and Pugga at their condo there.  We had Jude (only 5 months old) with us, and our other friends also had to have their kids with them too so the weekend was a little bit changed from our usual adults-only time.  It was still fun though!  Jude was still in the midst of his frequent wake ups and my solution while travelling was to bring him into bed with me.  That seemed to be the only way we could both get some sleep.  Exhausting!  I keep saying this, but even though he hardly sleeps he his a super happy guy.  After our weekend in Penticton we drove back to Kelowna and then flew out to Toronto.  We spent a couple of nights at mom and dad's and then drove to Kingston for Fred's first graduation ceremony at Queens.  Lennon stayed with Grandma and Gramps and they drove out to meet us afterwards.  The ceremony was really nice and it was great to see Fred walk across the stage! After the ceremony at Queens we took off on the road for Ithaca for graduation part two at Cornell.  That was a great weekend too.  It was interesting to see how graduation is done in the U.S.  There were two ceremonies, one for just the business school which was pretty casual, I thought, and not quite as formal as the one at Queens was.  Then the next day there was the huge convocation where they have the entire school gather in the stadium.  That was something to be seen for sure!  Again, it was great to see Fred participate in these ceremonies as the final piece to end his MBA journey.  We all had a great time.  Fred's whole family was there and my parents too.  They all rented a nice spot on the lake where we gathered for dinners.  Good times!  The kids did really well with all the goings on as well.  Jude was happy to be in the carrier and sleep on me and Lennon did great despite the long times sitting and it being hot.  After Ithaca we made our way back to Bowmanville, stayed a couple of nights and then went home again.  It definitely was a whirlwind, but totally worth it!

June:  This month was spent at home.  We planted a garden in the backyard.  Lennon was thrilled to help out and excited to see things grow!  Jude's sixth month saw him trying really hard to get moving.  He would get up on his knees and rock.  This kid wants to go!  He also got his first teeth and started solid food.  He loves (and I mean LOVES) the solid food.  On his very first try he took to it right away and hasn't slowed down since.  He got up to three meals a day quite quickly.  We had amazing June weather and spent a lot of time out in the yard with the kiddie pool and out at the playground.  The playground is one of Lennon's favourite things!  She loves to run and has finally gotten the courage to go down the twirly slide and the big tall one!  Now she is unstoppable...haha!

July:  One day before he hit the 7 month mark, Jude started crawling.  After a few days of not getting too far he mastered it and is now all over the place!  There's no stopping this one!  He still loves food and is happiest just being able to crawl around and explore.  Sleep is up and down.  He will go through a period of fewer wake ups, get us excited, and then go back to frequent wake ups.  I am thinking of doing some more serious sleep training soon.  Lennon is a sleep superstar and luckily Jude hasn't disturbed her sleep too much.  We have been having the most amazing summer weather, like unheard of weather for this city.  We've enjoyed lots of time outside in the yard, at the park, etc.  We did a half day at the Stampede, which Lennon really enjoyed.  She was able to go on a number of rides by herself and she loved it!  The other Stampede highlight for her was the mini-donuts (for me too;)  Auntie Holly was in Calgary for a while so we spent some time visiting her.  At the end of the month Grandma and Gramps came for a visit too.  We spent a week at home doing whatever, enjoying the weather, and some jobs for Gramps.  Then we took a road trip to Sandpoint, ID and spent a week there.  It was a lot of fun.  Jude was still not sleeping great but having G and G around was super helpful to give us a bit of a break once in a while!  Lennon, and all of us, had a great time swimming, beaching, exploring.

August:  Our little non-stop mover decided to start pulling himself up to standing, 3 days after he turned 8 months.  Oh boy!  This guy is going to walk early.  He's getting more and more teeth.  By the end of the month he had four on the bottom and two on the top, with a third starting.  Loves, like LOVES, food and will eat anything we give him.  He crawls everywhere and now spends a majority of his time on his feet.  He has gotten quite good and getting himself back down without falling too.  About a week before his 9 month mark, he started moving himself along the furniture.  Ah!  Sleep continues to be a struggle.  Most nights he is still up a couple of times and is waking up early too.  After G and G left we had a couple of days and then we had Uncle Steve visit, he was here for a friends wedding.  We had a good few days to visit with him.  Lennon thought it was great having him around and kept him busy!  Then we went to Penticton for a week to stay with Grandma and Pugga.  It was hot there too.  Lennon again spent most of the time swimming and beaching.  She loves the water!  We had a great time!  Then it was back home to start gearing up for Lennon to start preschool!  And also, to get Jude sleeping so we can have a more predictable schedule!

September (so far):  Lennon started preschool after the long weekend.  Her first day was a success!  I anticipated a bit of a dramatic drop off, not being sure of how she'd react to me leaving her there, but she was excited, ran in to start playing right away and barely said goodbye to me!  It was probably harder on me then her!  She had a great first day and was so hyper that evening.  When we put her to bed and were leaving her room she said "mom, do I get to school again tomorrow!"  So cute!  Jude continues to be super mobile.  He can not sit still...ever.  He loves to move.  He plays very well by himself too.  He's very content to move around and play with toys.  We do sometimes put him in the play pen with a load of toys when we can't chase him around.  He's totally happy in there too!  Such a happy guy!  We also started some more sleep training.  He had made some big improvements and was getting up just once a night.  I would nurse him back to sleep but knew he wasn't really waking because of hunger.  So, I started on the long weekend with not going in when he woke.  The first night was rough and he woke a few times but was able to settle himself.  The second night was even better with one short wake up and settling himself.  The third night he slept ALL night!  Amazing!  The last couple of nights after that he's woken up briefly once but settles himself back to sleep fairly quickly.  Hopefully things will continue to get better and better!  The weather here continues to be amazing.  We're holding on to summer for a bit longer!


Tuesday 14 March 2017

I've Just Seen a Face

meeting Auntie Holly

Well, time to try to catch up on the last couple of months!  A smattering of pictures and as thorough an update as I can recall!  Christmas time was pretty low key for us with a new baby in the house.  We spent Christmas Eve and Day out at Grandma and Pugga's house with the family.  Lennon was very excited about presents and Jude mostly cooperated but had a rough night, including being wide awake from about 3am to 5am.  Tired parents!  It was nice to have Fred around over the holidays with the office being closed.  We had lots of time to hang out as a new family of four and adjust to things.
Winter Wonderland


Lennon seems to love being a big sister.  She is very sweet with her baby brother and gives him lots of hugs, kisses, and attention.  See the pics!  Everyday, at least once, she says "I love you, Jude."  There have been moments of jealousy with Jude getting more of mommy's attention, but overall she's adjusted really well.
Two cuties

1 month old

Those faces!

Love that smile

Birthday Girl - with her fave...fry guys
Lennon turned 3 years old on January 14!  She's becoming such a little girl.  She chose to have a small party with the family and a couple of close friends.  We made pizzas and had pink and purple cupcakes!  Pink and purple are the colours of choice these days.  I think she chooses to wear something pink everyday!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Lennon!

Lennon still loves to talk and has quite the vocabulary and handle on the English language.  She continues to amaze us.  There is rarely a quiet moment around here - unless she's watching "Paw Patrol."

Talking to Dad on the phone
Lennon's latest new trick is using the potty!  It has been a long time coming that's for sure.  She was pretty dead set against it for a long time and would get made and upset when we mentioned it or suggested giving it a try.  We were finally able to talk her into it.  We've been looking for preschool programs and talking to her about going to school so I think that was a bit of a catalyst for her!  Well, she's doing really well with it.  We've only had a couple of accidents.  After a few days of going and sitting on the potty a million times before anything would happen, she has finally gotten the hang of it and there are fewer "false alarms."  She's still wearing pull-ups for nap and overnight, that will come, and has been reserving her number 2's for those moments.  But, it's a huge leap for her!
Sisterly love

Now, Jude.  Jude is growing like a weed it seems.  He's already 3 months old!  Last night I moved him out of the bassinet and into the travel crib - still in our room, not ready to move him out on his own yet;)  The last week I've been noticing how much he was filling up the bassinet and when he would squirm upon waking his head would be right against the end!  Lennon comfortably fit in the bassinet until 6 months.  Not that we compare them all the time;)  At his 2 month check up he was 23" long and weighed 12b 9.5oz.  I'm not sure what he is now but it's definitely more!

Jude is doing really well though.  Most nights he is asleep by 10 and will sleep until about 3 (sometimes 4!) to eat and then be up again at about 6 when I pull him into bed with me to feed and doze for an hour or so until Lennon wakes up.  I can't complain about his sleeping!  Although I do long for a full nights sleep again.  During the day he naps quite well, but I do rely on the swing to keep him sleeping for longer naps.  I'll have to break that habit soon.

Waterpark fun!
Feeding is going really well.  Night and day from my breastfeeding experience with Lennon in the first months.  He's feeding like a champ and is usually done in 15 minutes, a bit longer in the night.  I remember sitting with Lennon for at least an hour most times so this feels amazing!

Jude has already rolled from his tummy to his back a number of times (first time was at 7 weeks!) but isn't doing it consistently yet.  When he's laying on his back on the play mat he rolls himself up on his side.  He hasn't made it over yet but I fear it won't be long.  I think he's going to be an early mover.  He loves his bouncy chair and gets his legs going so fast it looks like he's going to catapult right out of it!  Jude is also becoming very vocal lately.  There are lots of coos and little squeals and his laugh is just the best.  He's overall a very happy and pretty chill guy.

Just like Dad
2 months old!

Coffee date

We've been battling a month of colds and feeling miserable.  Lennon had it the worst and is still coughing a bit.  Jude had a couple days of stuffy nose and now has it again.  I had a couple of weeks of it all.  Fred had about a week.  It's been pretty rough!  We've been staying home lots trying to get better.  Next week we head to Palm Springs and we need everyone to be healthy!  We're really looking forward to that trip as it's been a cold and snowy winter here.  Definitely ready for some sun and heat!

Fred is finally done school!  I know he's happy to be done and feels like he accomplished a lot.  I'm very proud of him and the work he did and how he managed to balance it with being a dad and husband.  It sure is nice to have him back around for weekends now!  He's been a great help to me with using some time on the weekends to meal plan and prep some food for the week.  Working together and trying to keep it all sane around here!

Time for a new potty chart!
3 months old!

Thursday 29 December 2016

Hey Jude

He has arrived!  Jude Robert Lawrence came into the world at 9:24 pm on December 5th.  We are overjoyed to have our boy join our family.  Another few hours and he would've shared Pugga's birthday, but I'm glad he didn't take another few hours to come out!  Jude weighed 7 lbs 15 oz and measured 20.5" long!  He is long and skinny. Even after losing some of his birth weight, down to 7lb 6oz, he quickly regained it and more just before he turned two weeks old when he weighed in at 8lb 3oz. He's doing well and feeding really well!

Jude's birth went well. It was quite quick too. My due date was Dec 6 and because of my age the doctors didn't want me to go over due. There are increased risks to baby the longer you go over.  So, I had an induction scheduled for the 5th or 6th depending on when the hospital had room for me. The day of the 5th was a pretty normal one. Mom and dad had arrived on the 3rd so Lennon was excited and kept busy playing with them. I actually did some Christmas baking that I had been meaning to do. The phone hadn't rang so I was thinking that the induction wasn't going to happen that day. I put Lennon down for her nap and was just about to lay down myself when I got the call. They were ready for me!  I called Fred at work and we were at the hospital ready to go by 3pm. If you don't want to read the details of Jude's birth skip the next paragraph!

Once we were settled into the room and I was changed the doctor came in to check my dilation (2 cm) and to break my water. My water was broken at about 3:30 and by 4:00 I had been started on the oxytocin. Then it was just waiting for contractions to start. We walked the hall, talked about names as we had t settled on one yet, Fred read me stories off the internet, and things slowly got going. My contractions this time were much different than with Lennon. They were very low and in front and felt like a cramp. Progressively they got worse and worse.  I was still able to stand and move around a bit though.  Around 7:30 contractions started getting more intense and we were waiting for the doctor to come back around 8 for another check. Things started moving much faster at that point.  I started breathing in the gas to help alleviate some of the pain from contractions. The nurse ending up checking me because I was in so much pain. I was at  7 cm at that point. It was then that I asked for an epidural as things were pretty unbearable and the gas wasn't doing a whole lot to help. The nurse called for the anesthesiologist and started to set things up. Then the doctor came in and said that the epidural wouldn't be happening as the anesthesiologist was in an emergency c-section!  Ah!!  I was giving the option of having a shot of fentanyl. I was really reluctant and unsure about it because it does pass to the baby and baby can come out very drowsy. But after a couple more seriously intense contractions I said ok let's do it.  The nurse had literally just gotten it ready when I all of a sudden felt that baby was coming and said "I need to push!"  So turns out I was going to do it all natural after all. I think it was around 8:30 when I started pushing. That was seriously hard work. Much different than with Lennon when I had an epidural. I got to feel his head at one point...weird but cool. Then our baby boy arrived at 9:24pm. There had been meconium in my waters (just like his sister) so a team came in to check him out and suction him. While this was happening the doctor was trying to deliver my placenta. After trying for about 20 minutes she figured it hadn't detached. Ugh!  So, my options were to take fentanyl and breath the gas while attempting to have it "scooped" out or go into the OR and get a spinal so it could be removed. I chose to try the fentanyl/gas option so the surgeon came in and worked to get the placenta out. It was a super painful and uncomfortable process, but thankfully it worked!

Meanwhile, baby was grunting a lot and the doc called the nicu team back in to assess him. Turns out he swallowed a bunch of fluids and stuff on his way out and it was causing him some trouble breathing. They decided to take him to the nicu to be monitored.  We both got a chance to hold him a bit (me once the effects of the drugs wore off!) and then Fred went with him while I was being stitched and cleaned up. That was weird...Fred and baby were gone and I was laying there by myself once the doctor was done while the nurse was cleaning up around the room.  Once they had baby setttled in the nicu Fred came back and we decided on his name. Once I was ready to be moved the nurse took us to see Jude in the nicu before bringing me to my room in the postpartum unit. It was a little sad seeing Jude there with an iv and all kinds of monitors on him but he was doing better already. I then got settled in my room and Fred went home to sleep. Despite a couple of wake ups for checks checks from the nurse and a snorzing roommate (thank you ear plugs!) I was able to get some rest. Jude wasn't able to feed yet, they were giving him nutritional sugars through an iv in the nicu, so I didn't have baby waking me either.  In the morning I did pump and then about mid morning Jude was ready to try feeding!  I was a bit nervous about it because it was so hard and painful at the start with Lennon but it went really well!  We both got the hang of it right away!  He then fed about every 3 hours the rest of the day and night. They kept him, and me, another night just to make sure he was continuing to do well.  Fred went back and forth between the hospital and home and then later in the afternoon of the 7th we were both discharged and able to go home!  It felt like a really long hospital stay, especially with Jude being in the nicu. We were very glad to be home!

The little man is already 3 weeks old!  Things have been going really well. He's feeding and sleeping well with feeds being about every 3 hours, day and night, with some evening cluster feeds. It's been very different from our first weeks with Lennon. We're definitely getting more rest probably due to him feeding so well and my milk production being good - which was a problem with Lennon. So, we really can't complain too much about the newborn stage this time!  He has given us a couple of rough nights but nothing like the rough nights we had the first time around.

Lennon has been adjusting quite well to having a baby in the house. Having Grandma and Gramps here definitely helped transition her. She had lots of distractions and kept those guys busy playing with her!  She is very sweet with Jude. She calls him "my baby" and loves to kiss and touch him. Hopefully the love continues!

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Hello Little Girl

Baby face
Well, we are mostly baby-waiting around here and enjoying our last days as a family of three.  Baby shall arrive any day now and early next week at the latest.  Lennon seems to be excited and talks a lot about all the things she will teach him but who knows how she'll really feel when the reality of him staying here with us sets in!

The last month has mostly been about preparations for baby.  Fred is busy trying to finish up his last assignments for school.  Lennon is as busy as ever, enjoying playing, getting together with friends, and being dragged to all of mommy's appointments.  She had fun with Halloween - a penguin again - and was quite excited about candy.  We visited a few neighbour's houses for trick-or-treating which was more than enough candy for a little girl!

We've put up some Christmas decorations and are getting into the Christmas spirit.  We are getting a real tree this year which is something new for us!  Lennon was quite excited about hanging up stockings.  I have been planning to do some baking - just a few faves this year - but haven't got to it yet.  We did make it out to see Zoo Lights!  No snow around here yet but I think it's coming.  We've had some amazing weather but it looks like it's about to get cold.  I suppose it has to some time.